Monday, November 9, 2009


Royalton's town council meets tonight at 7:30 at the town hall. Here's the agenda:

1. Open Meeting
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Additions or corrections of the minutes as presented
4. Public Comment - Agenda Items Only
5. Communications / Petitions
6. New Business

􀂾 Resolution to authorize the unpaid water, sewer, refuse and town charges to be added to the 2010 Real Property Taxes in the following amounts:
Total Unpaid Water $71,152.50
Total Unpaid Sewer $ 5,671.67
Total Unpaid Refuse -0-
Total Town Charges -0-
Grand Total $76,824.17

􀂾 Resolution to make the following line item transfers from the Drainage Account:
-$6,000.00 FROM SD8540.1 - Drainage, Personal Services Line
+$1,710.49 TO SD8540.2 - Drainage, Equipment Line
+$4,289.51 TO SD8540.4 - Drainage, Contractual Line

􀂾 Resolution stating that the Town of Royalton Town Board members have performed an audit on the 2009 Third Quarter Court Records for the two (2) Town of Royalton Justice Courts.

􀂾 Resolution to set the date for the bid opening for the State Street Grinder Pump Station Project for November 20, 2009 at 11:00 AM.

􀂾 Resolution to authorize the advertisement for bids to replace the roof on the salt shed.

􀂾 Resolution to set the Public Hearing date for the Town of Royalton 2010 Budget on Monday, November 16, 2009 at
7:30 PM

􀂾 Resolution for Permission to pay the bills.

7. Unfinished Business

8. Public Comment - Good and Welfare of the Community

9. Adjournment - Motion to adjourn