Royalton's town council meets tonight at 7:30 at the town hall. Here's the agenda:
1. Open Meeting
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Additions or corrections of the minutes as presented
4. Public Comment - Agenda Items Only
5. Communications / Petitions
6. New Business
Resolution to authorize the unpaid water, sewer, refuse and town charges to be added to the 2010 Real Property Taxes in the following amounts:
Total Unpaid Water $71,152.50
Total Unpaid Sewer $ 5,671.67
Total Unpaid Refuse -0-
Total Town Charges -0-
Grand Total $76,824.17
Resolution to make the following line item transfers from the Drainage Account:
-$6,000.00 FROM SD8540.1 - Drainage, Personal Services Line
+$1,710.49 TO SD8540.2 - Drainage, Equipment Line
+$4,289.51 TO SD8540.4 - Drainage, Contractual Line
Resolution stating that the Town of Royalton Town Board members have performed an audit on the 2009 Third Quarter Court Records for the two (2) Town of Royalton Justice Courts.
Resolution to set the date for the bid opening for the State Street Grinder Pump Station Project for November 20, 2009 at 11:00 AM.
Resolution to authorize the advertisement for bids to replace the roof on the salt shed.
Resolution to set the Public Hearing date for the Town of Royalton 2010 Budget on Monday, November 16, 2009 at
7:30 PM
Resolution for Permission to pay the bills.
7. Unfinished Business
8. Public Comment - Good and Welfare of the Community
9. Adjournment - Motion to adjourn