Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Superintendent update on strategic plan

Dear Community Members,

During the summer of 2020, the Board of Education identified the need to develop a long range strategic plan for our District. Over the past year a committed group of citizens and District employees have spent countless hours in meetings, hosting focus groups, analyzing a community survey and considering additional information presented to them. Their service to our District is greatly appreciated and has resulted in what we believe to be a quality plan that will help sustain a continuous improvement in the quality of our educational program.

On Wednesday, October 13, the Board of Education will host a public hearing regarding the District’s proposed strategic plan. The plan includes four goals and supporting objectives and measures. The goals include:

School Safety, Security, and Learning Places: The Royalton-Hartland Central School District will create, implement, and maintain a caring, safe and orderly learning environment. The facilities and grounds will meet the current and future needs of the students, staff and community.
Academics: The Royalton-Hartland Central School District will strive to ensure that all students will receive a rigorous academic course of study.

College and Career Readiness: The Royalton-Hartland Central School District will strive to ensure that all students will receive a comprehensive K-12 course of study in preparation for college and career.

Student Supports and Services: The Royalton-Hartland Central School District will strive to ensure that all students will receive a comprehensive set of supports and services to address challenges that impact student learning.

We continue to monitor guidance that helps our schools navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. I ask you to continue to monitor your child's health each morning and if needed, keep them home if they are exhibiting any flu-like symptoms or running a temperature of over 100 degrees. I also encourage you to regularly check our District Website to see updates on the CDC, NYS Department of Health, NYS Department of Education and Niagara County Department of Health websites. All those who are eligible should also consider obtaining a COVID vaccination.

As always, I hope that you will make an effort to reach out directly or follow me on Twitter @DrStopinski

Dr. Hank Stopinski
Superintendent of Schools

The strategic plan can be downloaded here: