This photo shows a young fella all by himself. That's seems to be par for the course -- it's underutilized!
I drove by the park four times this past weekend. Each time, at prime play hours, it was totally empty...despite sunny weather and 83 degree temps.
It's there to be used, to have fun, and you don't have to be a Hartland resident.
So, get your kids out there -- and you, too, for that matter :)
Hours of operation are 10 am til 8 pm daily.
The Town of Hartland asks that you please abide by the following rules to insure a safe environment for all to enjoy:
Children MUST be supervised by an adult and swim shoes are strongly recommended. Please see other posted rules at the splash pad.
And please, lets always remember that first and foremost this is a "Family Friendly Park"
There is NO parking right at the splash pad at this time and no driving at any time on any grassy areas. Parking is in the main park parking lot only (not the fire hall lot).