January: Dr. Henry Stopinski was selected as the new superintendent of schools for Royalton-Hartland.
February: Gasport's Debbie Brown became the first layperson installed as pastoral administrator in the Diocese of Buffalo....the Buffalo News ran a special Sunday article about the paintings of the late Ruthven Kill who painted local scenes
March: The school district's play was Cinderella...Police Chief John Swick celebrated 40 years serving the village of Middleport...Becca's Closet, a mission arm of Zion Lutheran Church that gives prom dresses to girls in need, was featured on WGRZ...Roy-Hart's
focus wasn't a walkout on March 14th for the national walkout
for school safety. Instead, a ceremony was held indoors where students
were challenged to deliver 17 acts of kindness.
April: Graestone Manor on Root Road opened as a bead & breakfast and a site for ghost tours
May: Hartland Bible Church began a partnership with the Gasport Elementary PTA
and others to start a community garden, with vegetables raised by the elementary school students...Geraldo Rivera passed through town on his trip along the Erie Canal...the school district launched the Roy-Hart 2028 initiative.
June: A scientific study undertaken in 2017 about the microbes in Gasport's gas was released...more scientists visited Gasport, this time to study the methane in the gas...in the annual Business First study, Royalton-Hartland was ranked 58 of 104 public school districts and private schools, up 7 places from 65th last year....Roy-Hart Baseball made it all the way to the Class B State semifinal game...the Salt and Light Festival took place
July: Lynn Harrington and family kept the Erie Canal Fishing Derby alive in memory of the late Steve Harrington...the Independece Day celebration took place at Hartland Town Park...Inside Out was shown as the family movie hosted by the Gasport Beautification Committee at Veteran's Park...the school district partnered with the Niagara County Sheriff’s Office to allow their
officers to conduct three trainings at our schools....the Summer Sizzler was held at Terry's Corners...Bad Ash BBQ closed its Gasport restaurant
August: Roy-Hart created a Dean of Students position....Gasport View Dairy was interviewed by Bob Lonsberry for WSYR during the State Fair...Flint Veterinary Care Center opened on Main Street...Madeline Keyes who, along with her horse Classic Circle, became a AQHA youth world champion
September: The 13th annual Saddle Up For Roswell took place
October: Verratti Farms hosted the family-friendly “Down on the Farm” event...16 year old Davey Todd harvested a massive buck, the second wall-hanger of his young career...New York gubernatorial candidate Larry Sharpe held a meet-and-greet at the Hartland Conservationist Club
November: It was announced that middle school principal Mr. Fisgus was moving on to be the superintendent at Oakfield-Alabama...the 12th annual Mitten Tree benefited local kids in need....Niagara Kraze announced they are building an entertainment center in Gasport...a $3,000 grant from the Cornell Cooperative Extension brought a breakfast cart toRoy-Hart
December: Gasport guitarist Pat Harrington was nominated for a Grammy as a part of Victor Wainwright's band...the splash pad construction is nearly complete at Hartland Town Park...Royalton-Hartland High School junior Madison Ohol was selected to the All-State Symphonic Band...Tyler Doty, a St. Joe's senior, won the Trench Trophy, which is awarded to the
top two-way lineman in Western New York...Light Up Gasport took place