Some people across social media have angrily criticized the
organizers of the Independence Day festivities for choosing July 3rd to
run the event.
Just stop.
Those folks are running an event out of the kindness of the hearts. This is not a government-run celebration as you would see in the local cities. The folks running the Hartland event are volunteers who are making it work -- and work well -- with their time, energy and monetary donations and the donations of others.
They are doing it for YOU and your kids. They aren't doing it for glory. Appreciate that someone is giving up hours, days and dollars to celebrate America and make Hartland and Royalton a little special for the holiday.
It's pretty awesome that someone would do that.
Look around...other fireworks displays were on the 3rd...Olcott and Lockport are prime examples.
And, remember, those volunteers are working people who had to go back to work on the 5th. Business schedules are a little off this week with the fourth falling at mid-week. It would be tough going back to work after a long day running around, setting things up for a community-wide the oppressive heat no less.
So, I extend a hearty THANK YOU to those volunteers and donors. THANK YOU for continuing to show why Gasport is an AWESOME place to live.