Friday, April 10, 2015


April 13, 201; 7:00 PM

1. Open Meeting
2. Pledge to the Flag
3. Additions or corrections of the minutes as presented

4. Public Comment - Agenda Items Only
5. Communications / Petitions
New Business

Resolution to accept the Supervisor's Report for the month of March 2015.

Resolution to accept the following membership changes for the Wolcottsville Volunteer Fire Co.,:
Remove Joshua Groff from the Membership Rolls due to his resignation submitted to the fire company on March 5, 2015.

Resolution to support the following in creating "Two (2) New York States":

WHEREAS, the State of New York has one of the highest rates of population loss; and
WHEREAS, the State of New York spent more in 2012 on Medicaid than Florida and Texas combined; and
WHEREAS, Florida just surpassed New York in total population; and
WHEREAS, New York City's special issues, including Mass Transit and Rent Control, continue to dominate the state's yearly budget process; and
WHEREAS, the overwhelming majority of the state's Senators and Assembly members reside in district's south of the Tappan Zee Bridge; and
WHEREAS, the interests, concerns, and needs of the constituents who reside in the New York City metropolitan area differ drastically from those who reside upstate; and
WHEREAS, there is legislation pending in the Assembly to allow a referendum on the question "Do you support the division of New York into two separate states?"; and
WHEREAS, the Town of Royalton Town Board supports the right of the citizens to decide whether to continue to be joined with New York City;
NOW, THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Royalton supports passage of to put the question of "Two New York's" to a vote of the citizens.

Resolution to authorize Supervisor Bieber to sign the Municipal Cooperation Agreement with the Village of Middleport for a three-year contract (6/1/2015 - 5/31/2018) for Speed Enforcement in the Town of Royalton. There will be a 3% increase per year. The contract numbers are as follows:

June 1, 2015 -May 31, 2016 $46,230.79 = $3,852.57 / month (June - December)

Beginning in January 2016 there will be an additional officer to work in the Royalton Town Court due to the addition of a Metal Detector. There will be an additional $600.00 charge for this service.

The total due per month for:

January - May 2016 will be $4,452.57 / month
June 1, 2016 - May 31, 2017 $55,033.77 = $4,586.15 / month
June 1, 2017 - May 31, 2018 $56,684.78 = $4,723.73 / month

Resolution to authorize Supervisor Bieber to transfer $12,473.42 to the "B Fund" from the Refuse Line Item in the Budget (SR8160.4T - Tote Loan Reimbursement Expenditure) to pay down the cost of the Recycle Totes. This is the payment for 2014.

Resolution to authorize the Loyal Football & Cheerleading Organization to utilize Veterans Park in Gasport Monday through Thursday from 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM beginning July 27, 2015 through October 30, 2015.

Resolution for permission to pay the bills.

Any additional items that need to come before the board at this time.

6. Public Comment - Good and Welfare of the Community
7. Adjournment - Motion to Adjourn