Saturday, October 26, 2013


The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) announced that approximately 35,000 Deer Management Permits (DMPs) will be issued to hunters who were previously denied permits during the initial application period earlier this fall. Leftover DMPs will also be available in several Wildlife Management Units (WMUs) beginning November 1, 2013.

Deer Management Permits, which allow hunters to harvest antlerless deer, are issued for specific WMUs to control deer populations. In order to provide DMPs at point-of-sale locations DEC must anticipate the number of applicants in each WMU and assign a probability to each unit in order to issue the appropriate number of permits. This year, DEC received fewer permit applications than projected in many WMUs.

In these units, DEC will reopen the DMP application process on a first-come, first-served basis. Hunters may apply for leftover DMPs at any DEC license sales outlet beginning Nov. 1, 2013. Leftover DMPs will not be available by phone, by mail or via the internet. Applicants who previously paid the $10.00 DMP application fee or those that are exempt from the application fee will not be charged for this additional application.

Among the affected WMU's are 9A and 9F which include portions of Gasport.