Tuesday, June 12, 2012


The Erie Canal as it flows through the Gasport area is incredibly tame in terms of its users and abusers. The level of traffic is really nothing exceptional and there are almost no abuses (other than a few people here and there who may exceed the speed limit on an open stretch). It certainly doesn't merit marine patrol, but it will be getting it as reported by the Buffalo News yesterday...

The Niagara County Sheriff’s Office has received a $30,000 state grant to fund police patrols on the Erie Canal this summer.

R.W. Groneman, public information officer for the State Canal Corp., said the agency passed out a total of $188,000 last month to all counties that contain canals to pay for patrols.

Regarding the boats....

...one is light enough to be quickly hauled on a trailer to a site east of Lockport to be launched without having to take time going through the canal locks at Lockport.

The canal patrols won’t occur every day. “We’ll focus on weekends, holidays, special events,” Beatty said.

Read the article here: http://www.buffalonews.com/city/communities/niagara-county/article897796.ece