Tuesday, April 10, 2012


The State issued their annual bridge report last week that includes the “NYS Condition Rating”. The NYS Department of Transportation defines a deficient bridge as one with a State condition rating less than 5.0.

By their standards, what bridges in Gasport/Royalton/Hartland are structurally-deficient?

Some are obvious, some aren't.

In Hartland we have...

The Carmen Road bridge over Johnson Creek at 4.19
The Johnson Creek Road bridge over Mud Creek at 4.79
The Mill Road bridge over Johnson Creek at 2.81
The Townline Road bridge over Johnson Creek at 4.65

In Royalton we have...

The Route 77 bridge over Red Creek at 4.58
The Route 93 bridge over Tonawanda Creek at 4.81
The Ditch Road bridge over Black Creek at 4.82
The Gasport Road bridge over Red Creek at 4.11
The Griswold Street bridge over Mud Creek at 4.41
The Riddle Road bridge over Mud Creek at 4.93
The Slayton Settlement Road bridge over Red Creek at 4.21
The Wruck Road bridge over the Erie Canal 3.39