Friday, October 14, 2011


To start off the town council meeting this coming Monday the town of Royalton will hold two public hearings starting at 7:00.

The first one will focus on laws for the regulation and enforcement of private cemeteries in the town.

People are rarely buried in family cemeteries anymore but it is something that has crossed my mind often. The thought of being buried on the family farm, although somewhat old-fashioned, might be comforting in my later years. It's home, and a beloved one at that.

This law, were it to pass, will turn me off to it: it would require that those who pursue private burial maintain in perpetuity a $10,000 trust fund for the continued maintenance of the grounds and that is after acquiring the right to burial from the town. Offenders will be forced to exhume the body.

The second public comment session will focus on death again, this time regarding the sanctity of funeral proceedings.

I'm sure most everyone is familiar with the Westboro Baptist Church, the so-called Christians who sickeningly protest the funerals of soldiers and others to make their claims about the ills of humanity.

The new local law would protect families from degenerates like these with a 1,000 ft. buffer zone for the 2 hour periods before and after a funeral ceremony.

It will also protect grieving families with a 1,000 ft. buffer around their homes for a 30 day period following the loved one's death.

Read the laws in detail here:;/content/CalendarEntries/View/1344