Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Yesterday's Buffalo News reported the following in yesterday's paper...

William “Ross” Annable, Hartland’s deputy supervisor, said his town’s preliminary budget also proposes a 5-cent increase in its proposed tax rate to $2.40 per $1,000 of assessed valuation.

The Hartland Town Board will present its $3 million preliminary budget in a public hearing at 7:30 p. m. Thursday in Town Hall, 8942 Ridge Road, Gasport.

Annable, son of Town Supervisor William A. “Bill” Annable, has been leading the budget workshops in the absence of his father, who is recovering from surgery.

Ross Annable said, “In our special districts, fire protection went up 4 percent, the water rate went up 6 percent, but refuse went down 20 percent because we rebid the contract with Allied Waste this year and it worked in our favor.”

The proposed tax rates for the special districts are: $1.22 per $1,000 of assessed valuation for fire protection; $2.33 per $1,000 of assessed valuation for water; and a drop from $218 per unit to $176 per unit in the annual fee for refuse collection.

Annable also pointed to the savings realized in a couple of retirements, particularly that of Water Superintendent Lawrence Fuller in July.

“We are not replacing Larry with a full-time water superintendent, but are reassigning his duties to the superintendent of highways, in order to save money on that benefit package,” Annable said. “We also began sharing an assessor (Michael Hartman) with the Town of Royalton this summer, when their assessor retired.”

Source: http://www.buffalonews.com/city/communities/niagara-county/article237906.ece