Saturday, November 6, 2010


Town Board Meeting @ 7:30 PM

Date: Mon, Nov 08, 2010
Address: Royalton Town Hall
Phone: 716-772-7531

November 8, 2010

1. Open Meeting

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Public Hearings (4)

4. Additions or corrections of the minutes as presented

5. Public Comment - Agenda Items Only

6. Communications / Petitions

7. Regular Meeting Agenda

8. New Business

Resolution to approve the Special Benefit Assessment Roll for the Town of Royalton for 2011:

Water District With Improvements $250.00 / Unit
Water District Without Improvements $ 50.00 / Unit
Unimproved District With Water $ 10.00 / Unit
Unimproved District Without Water $ 1.00 / Unit

Resolution to adopt the Local Law No. 3 for the Year 2010 entitled Dog Licensing and Control

Resolution to authorize Supervisor Richard J. Lang to enter in to a three (3) year contract with the five (5) Town of Royalton fire companies. Contract dates to run from January 1, 2011 - December 31, 2013.

Resolution to adopt the 2011 Town of Royalton Town Budget. Salaries for the Elected Officials are as follows:

Pursuant to Section 108 of the New York State Town Law, the proposed salaries of the Town Officers are hereby specified:

Supervisor (1) $16,000.00
Deputy Supervisor (1) $ 750.00
Town Board Members (4) $24,000.00 ($6,000.00 each)
Town Clerk (1) $45,091.00
Superintendent of Highways (1) $56,034.00

Resolution to authorize Supervisor Richard J. Lang to sign the Letter of Authorization to add the unpaid water, sewer, refuse, and town charges to the 2011 County Tax Roll as follows:

Pursuant to Section 198 of the New York State Town Law, the town board has opted to enforce various unpaid accounts for water, sewer, refuse, and other unpaid town services as indicated below, by placing a lien upon the real property for which such services were provided.

Total Unpaid Water $72,802.69
Total Unpaid Sewer $ 7,644.26
Total Unpaid Refuse $ 0.00
Total Town Charges $10,000.00
GRAND TOTAL $90,446.95

Resolution to authorize Supervisor Richard J. Lang to sign and submit the application to the Local Government Efficiency (LGE) Grant Program for a "Shared Road Paving Project" for the purchase of a Paver between the towns of Royalton, Hartland, Newfane & Somerset. The Town of Royalton will act as the Lead Agent and Supervisor Richard J. Lang will be the Contact Person. The Town of Royalton has agreed to set aside up to $20,000.00 in reserves specifically for the joint paver, which constitutes a 10% cash match for the Town of Royalton and the co-Applicants' share of such grant and will collect a portion of this match from each partnering municipality upon further agreement therewith and notification of grant award.

Resolution to authorize Supervisor Richard J. Lang to sign the letter of engagement and to enter in to a three (3) year contract with Berry & Berry, CPA's, for their accounting services. The amount of the contract for the three (3) year period is as follows: 2011 - $8,000.00, 2012 - $9,000.00, and 2013 - $9,500.00.

Resolution to authorize Berry & Berry, CPA's to set up a Reserve Fund in the DA Fund (Bridges) for Bridge Repair in the amount of $24,100.00.

Resolution to adopt the name of "Robert's Way" for the road on the Barden Homes property which was recently dedicated to the Town of Royalton.

Resolution for Permission to pay the bills.

9. Unfinished Business

10. Public Comment - Good and Welfare of the Community

11. Adjournment - Motion to adjourn