Town of Royalton, New York
Sealed bids for furnishing and delivery of materials to be incorporated into the project and to furnish all labor, equipment, and tools for the Emerson Place Storm Sewer Installation Project in the Town of Royalton will be received by the Town of Royalton, the Owner, until Tuesday September 9, 2008 at the Town of Royalton, 5316 Royalton Center Road, Middleport, NY 14105 until 11:00 AM and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud.
Copies of the proposed Contract Documents, Plans, Specifications and Instructions to Bidders may be examined at the Town Clerk’s Office and at the office of the Engineer. TVGA CONSULTANTS. One Thousand Maple Road, Elma, NY 14059. Copies may be secured from TVGA upon payment of $50.00 per set of documents which shall be in the form of two (2) checks each for one-half of the deposit. Checks shall be made payable to Town of Royalton.
The envelopes containing the bids must be sealed and addressed to Town of Royalton, 5316 Royalton Center Road, Middleport, NY 14105 and must be designated as “Bids for Emerson Place Storm Sewer Installation Project”.
Any bids not delivered in person shall be mailed to the Town of Royalton, 5316 Royalton Center Road, Middleport, New York 14105.
Any bidder returning such Plans and Specifications in good condition within 30 days following the award of the Contract or the rejection of the bids, will be refunded the full amount of the deposit. Similarly non-bidders will be refunded one-half the deposit. Material suppliers and anyone returning the Plans and Specifications before the bid opening will also be classed as non-bidders. Any bidders requesting more than one (1) set of Plans and Specifications may purchase the excess, but it is understood that they are not returnable.
The Town of Royalton is an exempt organization under the Tax law and is exempt from payment of Sales and Compensating Use Taxes on materials which are to be incorporated into the project and which are to be separately sold by the Contractor to the Owner prior to incorporation into the project, pursuant to the provisions of the Contract. These taxes are not to be included in the bid.
The Owner reserves the right to waive any informalities or to reject any or all bids.
Each bid must be accompanied by a non-collusive certification and a certified check of the bidder in the amount of 5% of the bid (made payable to the Owner) or a bid bond prepared on the form of bid bond acceptable to the Owner, duly executed by the bidder as principal and having as surety thereon a surety company approved by the Owner in the amount of 5% of the bid. Such checks or bid bonds will be returned to all except the three lowest bidders promptly after the opening of bids, and the remaining checks or bid bonds will be returned promptly after the Owner and the accepted bidder have executed the Contract, or if no award has been made within 60 days of bid opening, upon demand of the bidder at any time thereafter, so long as he has not been notified of the acceptance of his bid.
Marie Little, Town Clerk
Town of Royalton, New York
August 26, 2008
Sealed bids for furnishing and delivery of materials to be incorporated into the project and to furnish all labor, equipment, and tools for the Emerson Place Storm Sewer Installation Project in the Town of Royalton will be received by the Town of Royalton, the Owner, until Tuesday September 9, 2008 at the Town of Royalton, 5316 Royalton Center Road, Middleport, NY 14105 until 11:00 AM and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud.
Copies of the proposed Contract Documents, Plans, Specifications and Instructions to Bidders may be examined at the Town Clerk’s Office and at the office of the Engineer. TVGA CONSULTANTS. One Thousand Maple Road, Elma, NY 14059. Copies may be secured from TVGA upon payment of $50.00 per set of documents which shall be in the form of two (2) checks each for one-half of the deposit. Checks shall be made payable to Town of Royalton.
The envelopes containing the bids must be sealed and addressed to Town of Royalton, 5316 Royalton Center Road, Middleport, NY 14105 and must be designated as “Bids for Emerson Place Storm Sewer Installation Project”.
Any bids not delivered in person shall be mailed to the Town of Royalton, 5316 Royalton Center Road, Middleport, New York 14105.
Any bidder returning such Plans and Specifications in good condition within 30 days following the award of the Contract or the rejection of the bids, will be refunded the full amount of the deposit. Similarly non-bidders will be refunded one-half the deposit. Material suppliers and anyone returning the Plans and Specifications before the bid opening will also be classed as non-bidders. Any bidders requesting more than one (1) set of Plans and Specifications may purchase the excess, but it is understood that they are not returnable.
The Town of Royalton is an exempt organization under the Tax law and is exempt from payment of Sales and Compensating Use Taxes on materials which are to be incorporated into the project and which are to be separately sold by the Contractor to the Owner prior to incorporation into the project, pursuant to the provisions of the Contract. These taxes are not to be included in the bid.
The Owner reserves the right to waive any informalities or to reject any or all bids.
Each bid must be accompanied by a non-collusive certification and a certified check of the bidder in the amount of 5% of the bid (made payable to the Owner) or a bid bond prepared on the form of bid bond acceptable to the Owner, duly executed by the bidder as principal and having as surety thereon a surety company approved by the Owner in the amount of 5% of the bid. Such checks or bid bonds will be returned to all except the three lowest bidders promptly after the opening of bids, and the remaining checks or bid bonds will be returned promptly after the Owner and the accepted bidder have executed the Contract, or if no award has been made within 60 days of bid opening, upon demand of the bidder at any time thereafter, so long as he has not been notified of the acceptance of his bid.
Marie Little, Town Clerk
Town of Royalton, New York
August 26, 2008