Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Gasport residents are blessed in that we don't have the "light pollution" so common to other areas. At night we can go out in the fields and actually see stars. The folks in places like Buffalo and its suburbs aren't that lucky.

Take advantage of it and check out the comet in our nighttime sky.

Last month Comet Holmes suddenly became visible to the naked eye...a VERY rare occurrence. The comet had a flare-up, meaning the ice that is coming off of it is reflecting the sun as it vaporizes. The comet is only 2 miles in size but its coma (the dust and gas surrounding it) is half the size of the sun!

To see the comet look at the Perseus constellation. The best way to find teh constellation is to use a planisphere. If you don't have one, go out before midnight and face the Big Dipper (low in the northern sky). Move your head to "1:00" and then crane it upwards as far back as your head can go. You will see a fuzzy dot in the sky. Look at it through binoculars....the difference between clarity and size versus the naked eye is significant. It's an impressive sight.

Do this soon as the scene may peter-out today, tomorrow or in weeks.