Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Santa Claus is making his way through Gasport and Middleport

He’s making a list, checkin’ it twice, gonna find out who’s naughty and nice, Santa Claus is coming’ to town!

On Saturday, December 19th Santa and Mrs. Claus will be on their sleigh coming through Gasport and Middleport on the roads listed, and maybe a few extras.

Starting in Gasport at 1:00 PM they will be coming down the following streets in this order.

Telegraph road
West Avenue
Main Street
Central avenue
East Avenue
Mack Avenue
Maple Wood Drive
Central Avenue
East Avenue
Bolton Road

Starting in Middleport at 2:00 PM they will be coming down the following streets in this order.

South Vernon Street
State Street
Hammond Parkway
State Street
Alfred Street
Park Avenue
South Vernon Street
State Street
Main Street
Church Street
Kelly Avenue
Francis Street
Main Street
Rochester Road
Kelly Avenue
Manor Lane
Kelly Avenue