Saturday, April 2, 2011


Today's Daily News features a story about the importance of buying American, highlighted by the efforts of Gasport's Drum Oil...

The secret to reviving the economy, returning industry to America and creating hundreds of thousands of jobs may be right under our noses, according to many local business people.

‘‘We can fix what’s wrong with our country ourselves, and we don’t need the government to do it,’’ said Rick Drum, owner of Drum Oil in Gasport, who is adamant about ‘‘buying American.’’

Drum refused delivery of a new service truck when it arrived with overhead doors made out of the country.

‘‘That didn’t make sense when we have a company right in Akron which makes them,’’ Drum said.

He has since insisted all his new trucks be equipped with the locally-made doors.

Most Americans are resigned to the fact everything they buy is probably made oversees, but it is possible to buy American with a little extra effort — and the effects would be astronomical.

Read the entire article here: