Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I went to bed last night thinking Carson Kelley was the new highway supervisor for the town of Royalton. Just after 10:00 PM the elections coverage team at WLVL called the election in favor of Kelley by a margin of 46 votes.

Shades of "Dewey defeats Truman"!! I awoke to the confusing news that Terry Nieman really won!

The Lockport US&J reports on this confusion...

ROYALTON — Terry W. Nieman retained his position of superintendent of highways on Tuesday with an unofficial victory over Carson J. Kelley in a hotly contested race that initially reported the challenger as a winner.The final tab was Nieman with 901 votes and Kelley with 705, out of a total of 1,606 votes cast.

Nieman didn’t believe the early report that Kelley won the election for the two-year term. “I called the board of elections and told them and knew the results were not correct and asked them to look into it. They confirmed what we were telling them and it was corrected.”

According to Nieman, the mistake was made in District 6: Terry’s Corners reported the wrong numbers.

You can read the rest of the article here: