Monday, January 19, 2009


A message from Diane Grosslinger, Youth Advisor at Zion Lutheran Church...and my aunt :)...

The Zion Youth Group is participating in a Scavenger Hunt throughout the hamlet of Gasport from noon – 2 p.m. on Saturday, January 31st to collect canned goods for the Gasport Food Pantry located at Zion Lutheran Church, 4447 Central Avenue, Gasport, NY.

This collection is part of a nationwide Service Blitz, where we are joining thousands of other young people across the country simultaneously the Saturday before the Souper Bowl, doing various charity works in our communities.

This is all part of the “Souper Bowl of Caring” which is set for Sunday, February 1st. The Souper Bowl is a simple effort to “love the Lord our God..and love our neighbors” by encouraging people to give one dollar each as they leave worship on, or near, Super Bowl Sunday. Every penny collected is sent directly to the soup kitchen, food bank or other charity of each group’s choice.

The “Souper Bowl” is a partnership of people responding to God’s gracious love by loving their neighbors.

The “Souper Bowl” not only began in a Senior High Youth Fellowship; it also enables young people to see that, by God’s grace, they can make a difference in the world. So that our young people might learn, we prefer that young people be involved in the collection of funds and in the decision making as to where the funds are sent.

In an age when division and dissention tear at the fabric of our land, the “Souper Bowl” illustrates the wonderful possibilities that exist when we move beyond ourselves and work together in partnership with others.

This simple yet significant effort empowers us to help one another while reflecting our own blessings.

If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, please contact the Zion Food Pantry by leaving a message at the church at 772-2277. We would be happy to assist you with a supply of food and necessities from our Food Pantry.